esson 1 一、自我介绍(introduce myself 3′) hello everybody, well,nice talking with you here. i'm your english teacher, next year we will learn together, with the progress. i have worked for 1 years since i graduated from the university . being a teacher is tired but excited . having taught for this year, i think i am experienced in teaching field . i have a strong sense of duty and humor.actually , i always think that english is so wonderful a language that we should not only regard it as a subject,but also look on it with great interest.hope you can enjoy your way in english.i will be happy to be your company. 二、学习方法介绍( 20′) - 学习英语无捷径。要想学好英语只有大量实践,多听多读多说多写。不要被商业广告所误导。 - 对于高中英语学习者我特别推荐英语简易读物,读的材料要浅易,故事性要强,读的速度尽可能快一些,读的越多越好。这是学好英语屡试不爽的一个好办法。 - 说英语一不要怕犯错误,二不要怕别人笑话。要争取一切机会讲英语,和外国人讲,和同学讲,和同事讲,实在没办法的时候和自己讲。例如,可以把自己想说的话录下来,然后再放出来自己听。 - 要多用词典,多用英语词典。如果读词典读的津津有味,就说明学英语已经上路了。 - 英语具有较好的基础以后,通读(注意不是略读或跳读)一本浅易的英语语法书会使你有一种豁然开朗的感觉。 从根本上变"要我学"为"我要学",就能学会英语,会学英语。 三 、学好英语的几个关键问题 ⅰ.如何才能做到坚持不懈? 人之初,性本懒!坚持是世界上最难的一件事情!要想坚持必须做到以下几点: 1、先彻底模仿一篇文章,要模仿得和录音完全一样! 2、英语书要随身携带,有空就读! 3、每天必须坚持脱口而出几个句子或一小段文章!这样就可以保持一种"成就感"! 4、要用"热爱"来代替毅力!一口流利的英语是多么美妙的事情,疯狂热爱英语吧! ⅱ.单词到底怎么背? 掌握单词的方法就是:第一、把单词读准;第二、大量地朗读和背诵文章。发音好的人,背单词特别快! 俗话说:只有成章入口,才能出口成章! 我要介绍的第一招是:借熟记新。何谓借熟记新?即使在一个新单词中找你记得的熟词,从而记住新词。如:card,scarf,carnation中有你最熟悉的单词car,只需要在car前后增加字母就成了卡片,围巾,康乃馨。再如:newspaper中就有两个熟词 news ,paper。再有:mistake中有 make;midnight中有 night;mineral 中有mine; market中有 mark...等等。假如你有"角色意识"的话,仔细研究你要记的单词,那么你会发现适合借熟记新原则的单词会是很多的. 我再介绍一招:改头换面.所谓改头换面就是将你认识的熟词改换其中的一个或几个字母而成为你要记的生词.如:将take → sake; take → bake → fake → wake → cake ...;back → rack; bank →blank →tank → rank →thank → thankful....;ask →task → bask ;bar → bare →barely;now → how → bow → cow → grow → blow → throw → flow ...;经过改头换面,你也许会发现英语单词的构成不再是杂乱无章了,而是熟词的另一种组合罢了! 第三招:趣味记忆.就是利用读音,谐音,汉语等帮助你记住一些难记的单词.学英语的人都知道英语的语言大师――莎士比亚.他名字如何拼写呢?请记住:握长矛的人就是莎士比亚.你看:shake(握手的"握") spear(长矛) e =shakespeare;有两组短语不易分清楚:long before ;before long 我们根据意思记:long 在前,"很久前"; long在后,"不久后",不就记住了吗?英语中有几个动词不太好区分,它们是:lie (撒谎), lie(躺,位于) , lay(下蛋,搁置),特别难区分的是它们的过去式和过去分词形式.先背住几句顺口溜: 规则的"撒谎",不规则的"躺";"躺"过就"下蛋","下蛋"不规则. lie (撒谎) →lied → lied → lying lie(躺,位于)→ lay → lain → lying "躺"的过去是就是"下蛋"的原形(请比较) lay(下蛋,搁置)→laid → laid → laying 所谓规则的是指其过去式,过去分词是规则的.lay属于元音加y结尾的词加后缀应是规则的(直接加),该词却变y为i加d因此是不规则的.再就是hang 的过去式和过去分词有两种形式,形式不同意义就迥然不同.请看:hang → hanged → hanged (绞死);hang → hung → hung (挂,悬挂)记顺口溜:规则的"绞死"不规则的"挂". 当然,这些笨办法的目的就是记住单词短语,用时不会搞错. 最后一招就是:利用构词法.就是在词根的前面,后面或在前后面加上词缀,以形成新的单词.这是扩大词汇的最有效,最重要的办法.这必须记住一些常见的前后缀,和它们所表示的词类及意义.往往一些英语学习者忽视了这一点.任何英语教材都会列出常见的词缀.请各位网友注意就行,不用我耽误大家时间了! 英语单词记忆有法,但法无定法.还是那句老话:只要你能记住,记得多就是的办法.说了这么多,关键一条就是: 培养角色意识,坚持反复记忆;观察分析单词,选取记忆. ⅲ.学习的过程,犹如欣赏风景,书页翻动,体验进步的感动。学习英语,唯有快乐才是最美的时尚。 同音词,是发音一样但意义不同的字,这是英语幽默的源泉。比如: 1. why is six afraid of seven? ---- because 7 8 9. 为什么6害怕7?因为 seven eight nine = seven ate nine. 如果7吃了9,6自然会害怕7的,6和7离的很近,6的长相酷似9的长相,唉,人家6怎不担忧啊! 2. what relatives are dependent on you? --- uncles, aunts and cousins. 哪家亲戚会依赖你?这里 you 的发音和字母 u 一样,其实有三家亲戚都离不开字母u的。 3. what starts with t, ends with t, and can be full of t? --- teapot 什么以 t 开头,以 t 结尾,又充满了 t ?最后的这个 t 要理解成 tea. 茶壶就出来了。 三、学习要求(5′) 1. 制定学习计划,学习目标。严格按计划执行,只有坚持不懈才能获得成功。 2. 课前预习,上课认真听讲,课后及时复习。以导学教程为辅助,老师讲到那,必须做到那。我们英语课的基本顺序是先讲词汇,接着warming up ,reading ,language study ,using language , summing up .课后作业要及时完成。 3. 每天下午晚自习前听英语,由课代表负责 4. 人人一本高考必备或英汉词典。 四、学习计划(15′) 自我介绍、introduce yourself, your interests, your hobbies英语学习基础english foundation、未来学习计划及目标future plans and learning objectives、希望得到老师什么帮助what teachers want to help。用英语写,这将成为你们高中英语学习的第一份资料in english, this will be your first high school english learning materials。 英语学习方法总论 注意: 方法就是方法,它最终无法取代刻苦的学习.) 第1部分 整体建议 1. we'd better develop our interest in english at the beginning of our study. to develop interest in english study is not very hard. we may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our english study when we are able to say something simple in english, talk with others or foreigners in english and act as others' interpreters. 在英语学习之初,我们应该注重培养对英语学习的兴趣.培养对英语的兴趣并不难.当我们可以说点儿简单的英语,用英语与别人或与老外交谈,或作别人的翻译时,我们就可以从英语学习中得到满足感和成就感,这样,兴趣就培养起来了.请注意,这种满足感和成就感很重要! 2. plans are always very essential, so we must make some elaborate and workable plans before study. and we should certainly carry out these plans to the letter. 制定英语学习计划太重要了,所以我们必须在学习前制定精细的和可操作的计划. 并且我们一定要严格执行这些计划.请注意:千万不要干没有计划的傻事,那等于在浪费生命. 3. notes should be made whenever we study any book. we may follow this advice: don't read book without making notes. as we know that notes are the summarization, the core content, our understanding and the abbreviations of the books. our notes are much thinner than the books so that we can learn them by heart easier and can often review and read them. we may also record our notes on tapes so as to often listen to them easier, to deepen our impression and to lighten our burden of memory. sometimes it is needful to draw some tables and illustrations that are very impressive, visual and concise. 无论学习什么,我们都要作笔记.我们可以参照下面的忠告:不作笔记就不要读书.如您所知,笔记是我们对所学课本的总结,中心内容,我们的理解和课本的缩略.笔记要比课本薄的多,我们可以较容易的记忆和经常复习他们.更胜一畴的做法是把笔记录成音,这样我们可以经常听一听来加深印象和减轻记忆负担. 4. watching english movies, english tv programs, listening to english songs and learn english on some special occasions are also excellent and vivid english learning ways as we may combine english with some certain scenes to deepen our memory. 看英文电影,收看英语电视节目,听英文歌曲和在某些特定场景学习英语也是很棒和很生动的英语学习方式,因为这样我们可以把所学英语与某些特定的场景联系起来以加深记忆. 5. never just memorize single english words. learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so we may know how to use the words. 请不要孤立地背英语单词.请背记包含生词的句子或词组,这样我们才真正能运用这些词汇,而且印象更深. 6. if time permits, we may read mini chinese-english dictionary carefully from cover to cover, which may help us widen our sight and master knowledge in all aspects. 如果时间允许,通读小小汉英字典对于英语学习也帮助很大.他能帮助我们扩大视野并全方位地掌握所学知识. 7. excellent personality is one of the decisive factors in english study. persistence, patience, self-confidence and determination are badly needed. 优秀的性格也是英语学习的关键因素之一,坚持,忍耐,自信和坚定都是很重要的.当然如果兴趣培养得好, 可适当削弱这方面的要求. part 2 detailed methods(第2部分 具体方法) 1. listening comprehension:(听力) a.可以通过讲地道的口语来提高听力.发音,语调和句子结构请不要中国化.既然能说出来,当然能听懂.当然这样作有点难. b. keeping a relaxed, natural and steady mood when listening to some materials.在作听力练习时,力求保持放松,自然和稳定的心态.即建立自信心和培养良好的心理素质在听力提高中致关重要. c. we may make some simple notes while listening, for examples, the names of people and places, time, age, distance, occupation, figures and so on to get a better understanding of the content. 在作听力练习时,我们可以作些简单的笔记,例如人名,地名,时间,年龄,职业,数字等以便更好地理解材料.当然还要以听为主. d. catching the drift of the content instead of understanding every word and never waste too much time on single words. 作听力练习要重材料大意, 而不要力求听懂每个词,不要在单个词上浪费太多时间. e. pay close attention to concession and transition so as to correctly understand the attitudes of the speakers. the following words are most important: even though, even so, in spite of, unless, although, no matter, however, whatever, no, nor, neither…nor, but…. 密切注意听力材料中的让步与转折以便正确把握说话人的态度.特别关注这些词: even though, even so, in spite of, unless, although, no matter, however, whatever, no, nor, neither…nor, but…. f. if we may learn by heart new words by listening some word tapes, the results must be satisfactory. 在背记生词时,如果能听词汇磁带,那么对听力提高也很有好处. 2.reading skills:(阅读) a. intensive reading:精读:在精读课文时,我们要把生词,词组,句型做成笔记.读后要试着用这些疑问词提问自己:谁,什么,何时,何地且努力用自己的话来回答. b. extensive reading:泛读:要培养浏览,跳读和快读的能力.即抓住关键词,主题句和中心大意的能力. c. reading speed:阅读速度:三种方法提高我们的阅读速度:1.先从头至尾不间断地通读课文以抓住课文大意.不要在单个词或单句上浪费太多时间.2. 阅读时计时.3.阅读时用手指或笔尖指向文章字句并快速移动来迫使我们的眼睛快速随手指或笔尖移动来强化我们的阅读速度. d. newspaper as good reading materials can widen our sight and richen our knowledge. 多读报,多受益:开阔视野,丰富知识,学习流行词语和英语最新发展. 3.writing skills.( 写作) a. we have to accumulate abundant materials before we write something, say, learning by heart crowds of articles. 写作需要有很多素材,积累素材很重要.要多背课文. b. try to express one meaning in various ways. 努力用多种方式表达一种意思. c. keeping english diary if possible. 写英语日记. a) prepare some new words, expressions and good sentences to be used before writing something. 在写作前准备一些要用的好词汇,好句子. b) we may also make some english pen pals to establish english communication relationship through some media like newspaper and magazines. 结交英语笔友,写英文信.这种方法容易坚持,还很有意思.不仿一试,好处多多
1.what is the possible relationship between the two speakers?
a.manager and secretary.
b.wife and husband.
c.waiter and customer.
2. what time does the last train leave for london?
a.at 8:35 am.b.at 8:35 pm.
c.at 7:25 pm.
3.what was the guy doing?
a.driving a car.b.riding a bike.
c.getting crazy.
4.why does the woman want to see professor wang?
a.to ask for a sick leave.
b.to talk about a class.
c.to get help with her paper.
5.what did the man mean?
a.they intended to go outing today.
b.they stood outside for too long.
c.they had a wrong weather report.
6.when did the strange thing happen?
a.when the woman and her family were watching tv.
b.when the woman and her family were having supper.
c.when the woman and her family were sleeping.
7. what happened to the tv?
a.the tv didn’t work.
b.the tv began to change channels rapidly.
c.the tv broke down.
8.what was the weather like that night?
a.rainy.b.sunny. c.cloudy.
9. why can’t elaine strong answer the phone?
a.she’s attending a meeting.
b.she’s out of the office.
c.she’s talking with another customer.
10. what does the man want the woman to fax?
a.information about aftersales service.
b.a picture of the newest computers.
c.materials of software products.
11. when will the man probably talk with elaine strong on the phone?
a.about 5:00.b.about 3:30.
c.about 4:30.
12.where does the conversation take place?
a.in a ship.b.in a flight.c.in a train.
13.why does the man go to london?
a.to pursue his master degree.
b.to do business.
c.to attend an international meeting.
14.why do the woman’s parents want her to do business studies?
a.because they want her to run a company.
b.because they want her to be a career woman.
c.because they want her to take over the family business.
15.how long will jane stay in florida?
a.only one day.b.two or three days.
c.for christmas time.
16.what can be concluded about the man?
a.he has been to disneyland.
b.he has read a book about disneyland.
c.he has seen a film introduction to disneyland.
17.how many sections is disneyland made up of?
a.four. b.five.c.six.
18.what is the speaker?
a.a teacher. b.a student.c.a worker.
19. what can we know about mr white?
a.he comes from england.
b.he is unwilling to work here.
c.he will stay here for at least two years.
20. which other goals does the school have besides teaching english?
a.to teach students how to get along well with foreigners.
b.to promote understanding and cooperation between the young people of the two countries.
c.to teach students american history and culture.【听力材料及答案】
(text 1)
m:come into my office,please.i’d like you to type some letters.
w:yes,sir.and i think i should remind you that you have a meeting in ten minutes.
(text 2)
w:new city railway station.
m:good evening,could you tell me the time of the last train to london,please?
w:last train to london?8:35 pm,change at goldberg.
m:thank you very much.
(text 3)
w:did you see what that guy did?
m:no.i was looking the other way.
w:he made a uturn right in the middle of the block and almost hit a kid on a bicycle.
m:drivers get crazier every day!
(text 4)
w:can i come to see you at 10:00,professor wang?i wonder if you can help me with my paper.
m:i will be having a class then.why not come 40 minutes later?
w:ok.see you then.
(text 5)
w:brrrr!i’m cold.
m:me,too.let’s go inside.
w:i thought it was supposed to get warmer today.
m:yeah,i thought so,too.that’s what the weatherman said.
(text 6)
w:the other night we were watching tv and the strangest thing happened.
m:really? what’ s that?
w:it was during that thunderstorm we had.you remember.rain was pouring down and there was a lot of lightning and thunder.
m:i remember quite well.the children were frightened,and the dog ran hard under the bed!
w:well,anyway,the lightning flashed a number of times,and we were going to turn off the tv.that’ s when this strange thing happened.
m:i hope the lightning didn’ t hit your tv!
w:oh,nothing as serious as that.but,suddenly the tv began to change channels rapidly:all by itself!
(text 7)
w:hello,ultimate computers.may i help you?
m:yes,this is jack kordell from hunter’ s office supplies.may i speak to elaine strong,please?
w:i’ m sorry,but she’ s not in right now.she should be here later in the afternoon,maybe about 4:30.may i take a message?
m:yes.ms.strong sent me your newest line of laptop computers with a description of other software products,but there wasn’t any information about aftersales service.
w:oh,i’m sorry.would you like me to fax that to you?
m:yes.could you try sending that information around 3:30? that should give me time to look over the material before i call ms. strong, say,around 5:00.
w:sure.could i have your name,telephone number,and fax number,please?
m:yes.jack kordell and the phone number is 5601287.and the fax number is 5601288.
w:all right.i’ll be sure to send you the fax this afternoon.
(text 8)
m:hi.i think i’m sitting next to you.seat 35b.
w:oh,sorry.i’ ll just move my things.hold on a minute.
m:thanks.phwoo...i’ve been waiting in departure for ages.
w:mmm...the flight was delayed leaving beijing.security checks, you know.
m:yeah.same here.
w:are you going to london,then?
m:yes.i’ m going to the lse to do a master’ s degree in international relations.
w:really? that sounds interesting.you must be really clever.
m:so are you going to london too?
w:well actually,i’ m going to the university of middlesex to do business studies.
m:that sounds interesting.
w:well actually,it’ s my parents who want me to do business studies. i’ d rather study philosophy,but my dad wants me to take over the family business.he thinks business studies will make me rich.
m:well,nobody wants to be poor...ah,here’ s the drinks trolley.what would you like?
w:a coke,please,i’m sorry...i don’t know your name...
m:oh,sorry.i forgot...ali.
(text 9)
m: where are you going for your holiday this year,jane?
m:great! how long are you going to stay there?
w:one week.just for christmas time.
m:have you got any friends there?
w:no.i have always wanted to go,but i’ve been too busy.now i’ve got a week’s holiday,and i can enjoy christmas special prices.my dream will come true.
m:lovely! i guess you will certainly go to disneyland.
w:you are right.you have been there,haven’t you?
m:yes,but just a couple of days.
w:tell me something about it,will you?
m:there are so many things to see in the park.it has several main sections.they are named main street,frontier land,fantasy land,tomorrow land and adventure land.the park is often called a “magic kingdom”.
w:it must be an unforgettable experience for you.
m:that’s true,especially the magic mountain and fantasy land.i’m sure you’ll enjoy your visit too.
w:thank you.i believe so.
(text 10)
ladies and gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to welcome our new member,mr tony white,who has just come here from america.mr white has recently graduated from the university of chicago where he majored in english literature and teaching english as a second language.he is 22 years old
mr white will be working mostly in our day-time classes and he will also take some of our evening classes.he will be with us here for at least two years.one of the goals of our school,in addition to teaching english,is to promote understanding and cooperation between the young people of our two countries. by having people like mr white,who is willing to work in a strange and unknown country,we feel we are very lucky and that our goals will be easily realized.mr white,the other teachers and all the workers in our school have joined with me in welcoming you.we are indeed happy to have you here and we wish you all the best during the time when you will be with us.thank you.
1.what does the woman imply?
a.she didn’t clean the apartment.
b.she’ll help the man clean his apartment.
c.she needs to clean the lab.
2. what does the woman mean?
a.she saw the man run out.
b.she thought the man’s laundry was done badly.
c.she was sorry the man couldn’t finish his laundry.
3. what does the man imply?
a.his coach didn’t help him enough.
b.he had no chance of winning.
c.he didn’t follow his coach’s advice.
4.what does the woman mean?
a.she likes the new theatre in town.
b.she expects the theatre to close down.
c.she’s surprised by the news.
5. what does the man say about the activities?
a.they aren’t very good because they’re so different.
b.he thinks they should do both.
c.it doesn’t matter which one they do.
6. what is the woman’s real problem?
a.she feels headache.b.she feels frightened.
c.she feels very stressed.
7.what food is considered as low stress food?
a.apples and grapes.b.hamburgers.
c.french fries.
8.what is the woman going to do?
a.to eat less.b.to eat more.
c.to change her food.
9. what are the man and the woman talking about?
a.a film.b.a real story.
c.a ghost story.
10. what’s the first name of the man they are talking about?
a.tim. b.tom. c.smith.
11.why didn’t the man return home after the war?
a.he had been wounded in the war.
b.the man hasn’t told the woman yet.
c.he had to sell newspapers at the railway station.
12.what is not true about the man?
a.water is running down his leg.
b.he can not breathe well after a walk.
c. he hasn’t been sleeping well because of the pain in his leg.
13. what has caused the trouble?
a.the woman doesn’t know yet.
b.he was burnt by boiling water.
c.he has tired himself out in his work.
14.what’s the woman’s name?
a.doctor cook.b.doctor martin.
c.the conversation doesn’t tell us.
15. where are the man and the woman going?
a.to the bus station.
b.to the police station.
c.to the railway station.
16.what does the woman think they should do?
a.take a taxi.b.walk slowly.
c.leave the bags with the police.
17. what does the man find out at last?
a.fifteen minutes is too long.
b.the traffic is moving too slowly.
c.he is not able to carry two bags.
18.according to the passage,what were dogs trained for in the past?
a.for protection against other animals.
b.for protection against other dogs.
c.just for fun.
19. why were dogs used for hunting?
a.because they did not eat other animals.
b.because they were useful for protection.
c.because they always obeyed their masters.
20. what is the most important reason for people in the city to keep dogs now?
a.for companionship. b.for amusement.
c.for protection against robbery.【听力材料及答案】
(text 1)
m: your apartment always looks so good,so spotless and mine is such a mess.
w:i’ve been at the lab all the week.it is my roommate’s doing.
(text 2)
m:i am running out of coins doing my laundry.
w:that’s too bad.
(text 3)
m: it’s a shame that you didn’t win your tennis match.
m:i might have won if i listened to my coach.
(text 4)
m:the variety theatre finally went out of business.
w:well,that’s not a surprise.it was the worst one in town.
(text 5)
m:shall we run around the park or go for a bike ride?
m:it makes no difference to me.they are both good activities.
(text 6)
w: i feel terrible.i really need to relax.do you know any good ways to fight stress?
m:yeah,in fact,i read in a health magazine that you should drink two cups of lemon tea every day to fight stress.
w:lemon tea?
m:that’s right.lemon tea makes you feel more relaxed.and also,you should eat low stress foods like apples and grapes.
w:sounds very strange,i guess hamburgers and french fries cause stress,right?
m:yep.hamburgers are high stress food.
w:well,i guess i need to change my diet.
(text 7)
w :do you know tom?
w:tom what?
m:tom smith.
w:no.but i know a tim smith.
m:oh,yes,you are right.it was tim smith i meant.you know what happened to him the other day?
no,what happened then?
m:well,he told me he saw his dead grandfather in london.
w:oh,come on.you are not telling a ghost story,are you?
m:but he told me it was true.you see,his grandfather used to be an army officer during the war.and because he didn’t return home after the war,everybody thought he had been killed in the war.
w:but then,he suddenly appeared alive,like in those films.
m:exactly.tom,oh no,tim,told me that by chance he saw an old man at the railway station selling newspapers.and he was surprised to see someone like his grandfather in a picture he had seen.so naturally he went to the man and asked him whether his name was smith.and the man,i mean,his grandfather,said yes,and after that everything happened just like a film.
w:amazing.but why didn’t the old man go back to his hometown after the war?
m:well,that’s another long story.i’ll tell you later.
(text 8)
w :now,mr.martin.i’ve just read your own doctor’s report.so you haven’t been feeling very well lately,is that right?
m:it’s...it’s my leg,doctor.my right leg.i keep getting a strange pain in it.
w:could you tell me what the pain is like?
m:it’s like....like boiling water running down my leg.it’s been getting worse lately,too.i’ve been losing sleep.
w:you mean the pain’s been keeping you awake?
m:yes,that’s right.it’s been keeping me awake.
w:now,tell me,how long have you had this trouble?
m:the pain? for about a year now.
w:hmm...have you been getting tired lately after you have had a walk? for example,have you been getting a big short of breath,perhaps?
m:why,yes! yes,i have,doctor!
w:hmm...i think we’d better give you a few tests here in the hospital.
m:do you think it’s serious,doctor?
w:probably not.
but...doctor cook,my local doctor,thinks it’s only that i’ve been working too hard lately.
w:that could be the reason.don’t worry,we’ll find out soon.
(text 9)
w :why do we have to walk to the station? and where is it?
m:it’s just down that road...i think.
w:look! there’s a policeman! ask him the way.
m:all right.i’ll go and ask him.
(pause for 6 seconds)
w:so,what did he say?
m:well,we have to walk down this road,take the first turning on the left.then walk until we come to the river and...
w:the river?
m:yes.it’s over there,and there’s a bridge.across the bridge,we will be able to see some road signs which will tell us the way.
w:but how far is it? how long does it take to walk there?
m:about fifteen minutes,if we walk quickly.
w:fifteen minutes! we may be late for the train.and with these heavy bags,too! i think we ought to take a taxi.
m:not at this hour.look at the traffic.it’s moving very slowly.we can get there just as quickly on foot.
w:well,i can’t possibly carry this bag any farther.
m:all right.let me take it,then.
w:don’t be silly.you can’t carry two bags at the same time.
m:yes,i can.the bags aren’t that heavy...hmm!
w:you see! they’re heavier than you thought!
m:perhaps it’s not such a bad idea after all.
w:what isn’t such a bad idea? what do you mean?
m:taxi! taxi!
(text 10)
when you take a walk a in any of the cities in the west, you often see a lot of people walking with dogs.it is still true that the dog is the most useful and faithful animal in the world .but the reason why people keep a dog have changed ,in the old days ,people used to train dogs to protect themselves against the attacks by other besasts.and later they came to realize that the dog was ont only useful for protection but willing to obey their master. for example, when people used dogs for hunting,the dogs would not eat without permission what they caught.but now people in the city need not protect themselves against attacks of animals.why do they keep dogs then? some people keep dogs to protect themselves from robbery,but the most important reason is for companionship.for a child,a dog is his best friend when he has no friends to play with; for a young couple,a dog is their child when they have no children; for old couples,a dog is also their child when their real children have grown up.so the main reason why people keep dogs has changed from protection to friendship.
listening text 1:
a great chinese scientist
father of the chinese space programme
yu ping (yp) is talking to her friend steve smith (ss) about qian xuesen and his work as a rocket scientist. part 1
yp: what do you want to be when you grow up, steve?
ss: i want to be an astronomer and visits stars. i wish to visit mars one day.
yp: i think i’d like to work in the space industry too. i’d like to be a rocket scientist like qian xuesen. ss: what did you have to do to become a rocket scientist?
yp: well, he first studied at university to be an engineer. later he went to america to study for his doctor’s
degree. it was then he began to work on rockets.
ss: so it was lucky for out space programme that he came back to china.
yp: very much so. there was no work on space rockets in china before he began his institute to design and
build rockets to go into space. part 2
ss: do you think he wanted to travel into space in one of rockets?
yp: i have no idea but i believe he looked forward to the first spacecraft by a chinese astronaut.
ss: yes. now that china has sent satellites into space. i hope we’ll be the first to land on mars. that would really be something special and if i were that astronaut i would put qian xuesen’s picture on mars to show how much we admire his work.
yp: indeed. he is rightfully called the father of the chinese space programme. he is my hero and he is why i want to be a rocket scientist.
ss: well, we’d better get on with our homework. we need good grades to get into university. yp: right you are. see you, then. ss: see you.
answer key for ex. 2:
main idea: it is about the role of qian xuesen in the development of space technology in china. answer key for ex. 3:
1. qian xuesen first studied to be an engineer.
2. in america he began to work to work on space rockets so that he was able to develop a space
programme when he came back to china.
3. when qian xuesen returned to china he set up a space institute to begin training people in how to
design and build rockets.
listening on p.41:
naming a flower
robert briggs (rb) is talking to zhang wei (zw) about a new kind of lily he has found.
zw: hello robert. what’s that book you are carrying? rb: a book that helps you identify a flower. zw: i see. why do you want that?
rb: well. i’ve found this lily. it looks different to me. so i want to find out if it’s new or not. our biology
teacher told me that if it’s already known, i’d find it in this book. zw: wow! so you think you may have found a new lily?
rb: i hope so, but i have to do some research first to find out for sure. zw: what happens if it’s in the book?
rb: it means that somebody else has found it and named it. then i’ll know its biological name. zw: what do you mean by the biological name?
rb: actually like us a flower has two names. the first is the group of the flowers it belongs to---like a family
name. a rose is one such group. the second is the kind of flower ----like a given name. it may describe what the rose looks like; for example, the colour of an autumn sunset. together you get the flower’s name , which is rose autumn sunset.
zw: gosh! who made that system?
rb: a great scientist called carl linnaeus. he lived in sweden from 1707 to 1778. zw: so long ago!
rb: yes. and he solved a very serious problem for biology. zw: what was that?
rb: before him nobody could tell of a plant was new, as there was no way of checking. there’re so many plants,
you see!
zw: yes, i appreciate that! so his system is still used?
rb: indeed it is. if my flower isn’t in this book, i’ll know that i’ve found a new kind of lily. zw: that’s great! can i come and help you? this research sounds fun. rb: yes. and if i’m lucky…(fading out) answers key for ex.1: go to your teacher
go to a natural museum speak to a specialist look it up in a flower book answers key for ex.2: the correct answer is c.
summary a is not correct because it does not give enough information. summary b is inaccurate. answers key for ex.3:
biology, book, sweden, 1707, 1778, serious answers key for ex.4:
1 it means that his flower has already been identified and has a name.
2 he would know by checking his lily against other lilies in the specialist book. if his lily is different ( for example in the number of petals or staments) it will be a new species.
3 all plants have two names just like people. the first is the group of flower they belong to and is like the family name. the second is the kind of flower within that group and is like a given/personal name.
4 before linnaeous there was no way of finding out whether a plant was new or not. this caused problems because different scientists claimed that they had found and named flower first. after he organized his
this is the bbc in london. here is the news at ten.
south korea has the most effective edudation system of the world's richest countries, with japan in the second place and the united states and germany near the bottom, a united nation's study said tuesday. the ranking provides a comparison of the developed world.
the study is based not on how many students reach what level of education, but on testing what pupils actually know and what they are able to do, including their abilities in reading, math and science.
germany, with its strong eucational tradition, occupies the 19th place out of 24 nations, just behind the united states in 18th place.
an american government official said, "our schools are simply not good enough and they don't compare well with systems in other countries."
"it is clear that educational disadvantage is born not at school but in the home," said the report. "learning begins at birth and is encouraged by a loving, stimulating environment."
(1) math and science
(2) south korea
(3) second
(4) the united states/america
(5) 19th